Friday, April 11, 2008


I walked past a dead face
even though the person was alive
I saw my eyes in the mirror
and cried at the sight
I looked at a person I didn't know
and I met a friend
I got heads to turn
when I walked past
I learned a lot about myself
when I lost a new friend
I cried every tear in my body
when I thought about love
I got hit bad
then got back in the ring
I climbed a mountain of rocks
and saw an eagle fly over- head
I heard terrible things about myself
when no one thought I was listening
I realized I was strong
when I didn't cry when it hurt
I found out who I was
when I was with someone else
I thought I was lost forever
when a friend found me
I held a life in my handand
it was my own
I was a pawn in someone else's game
so I surrendered to a brook
I walked the fine line between surviving
and not wanting to surviveI still am
I am someone ...
(by Annastasia Aressia )

PoWeR oF PaiN..

I sat alone another day.
The world was moving all around me,
but it seemed as if my life was in a standstill.
The doctors say its anxiety.
Everyone thinks anxiety means nervousness or fear,
but it is deeper than that.
Anxiety holds you prisoner.
You can't leave your house.


The doorbell rings but I can't answer.
There is too much fear inside.
You can't answer the phone.


"Telephone for you!" my family yells. I
tell them to say that I will call back, but I won't.
You can't eat.


No, not me. The anxiety
even controls that. All the pain rushes back up with
every little thing I eat.
You can't go out.


Everyone walking around me, but I can't move, the
apprehension paralyzes me.
Everyone says, "Be brave. You can do it. You'll make it out of this."
But sometimes I wonder if I will.
I try to combat it all, but if I attempt to do anything,
it all starts over again.


My heart beats faster and faster.
I can feel it in my chest.

Beads of sweat
Running down my forehead.
All the thoughts swarm in my brain.
The fear picks up.
It is unbearable.
I'm so frightened, but I don't know what of.
The paranoia sweeps over my body like a giant wave.
Every day I have to fight what seems to be a losing battle.
But then . . . I look outside.
I see the colors.
I see the life.
I see spirit.
I know I can do this.

Win (by Star711 )

Monday, April 7, 2008

My Love
Every single morning,
I thank the Lord above,
For helping me find you,
And showing me how to love.
I don't understand your reasons,
I don't know why you care,
I know I don't deserve you,
or the affection that we share.
Whenever I feel lost,or wonder why I'm here,
I think of how you love me,and I smile from ear to ear.
I knew you were the one for me,since the day we first met,
My love has grown a lot since then,
And hasnt stopped just yet.
I'll always be here for you,
Even if you want to part,
No matter what we go through,
You'll always hold my heart.
Not only do I love you,for your soul, your heart, your mind,
I love how you have changed me,into this person I couldn't find.
Is it really possible,
To have a love so true?
I thought it wasn't practical,
Until the light led me to you.
If I ever had to leave you,my heart would not survive,
Without you in my life,
I wouldn't be alive.
I need you here to love me,and help me conquer fears,
I need you here to hold me,and dry up all my tears.
So as we grow together,on life's unknowing journey,
I hope our love gets stronger,
as the flame continues burning.

To reaLize...

To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade.
To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.
To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who missed the train.
To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask a person who just avoided an accident.
Treasure every moment ! Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is mystery.
Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

"1 litre of tears" pasti mengundang air mata..

ini adalah cerita jepun,based on true story tau...dia cerita pasal sorang budak pompuan yang masi dalam sekolah menengah yang mengidap penyakit(saya lupa nama penyakit dia...)yang berkaitan dengan saraf...yang mengakibatkan dia gagal mengawal pergerakkan badan dia...simtom dia adalah terjatuh tanpa dia sendiri sedar,malah tiada tanda dia cuba mengelak dari terjatuh,langsung ja tersungkur......penyakit ni membunuh dia perlahan,dari jalan hingga percakapan....

ini adalah pelakon yang memegang watak perempuan sakit tuuu....dia belakon macam real siuttt....cantik lagi kan...namun di setiap credit pada penghabisan setiap episode sebenarnya disiarkan gambar2 perempuan yang sebenar(yang betul2 sakit tau...kan cerita yang dipetik dari kisah hidup sebenar)...sebenarnya,jalan cerita drama ini adalah hasil temuramah ibu perempuan tersebut dan juga diary sepanjang hayat dia(doktor perempuan tu suruh dia menulis diary supaya doktor tu dapat lihat perubahan perempuan tersebut....)

ini barisan pelakon sedih,tapi saya jamin drama ni banyak nilai2 yang patut dicontohi...kamu pasti puas hati....selamat menonton...