Thursday, March 25, 2010

My HamSters~Winter White Hamster...~

                                                silver like to sleep in her sandBath
I have 2 hamters...there are winter white Hamster....(baka dia la...)...i got these free from my friend...who is also pet lover (extra : sugar glider and hedgehog)...they are easy to care but need some money to buy their food, cage, sandBath and bedding....hamster might like to bite you, ofcos u may get mad..but be patient..they needs time..same with my to bite me and my bf finger...but Tinny very gentle to human hand....Silver is more adorable (sebab gemuk)...
Things to remember:-)
Lifting & handling: Handle your Winter White Hamster gently -- scoop her up in both hands and hold her with cupped hands so she'll feel safe and secure.
Special needs: Your hamster's front teeth never stop growing -- so she needs lots of healthy things to chew on like treat sticks and chews.
Exercise: Hamsters have tons of energy and need to run on a wheel in their habitat, or in an exercise ball daily.
Nutrition: Choose a fortified diet appropriate for hamsters.
Housing: Your hamster needs a well-ventilated home, large enough for a food dish and water bottle, a hiding area (if one isn't built in) and an exercise wheel. There should be plenty of room for all cage accessories, and for her to move around freely.

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